#the hollow vanessa icons
shadowx16 · 2 months
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The Hollow: Bad Ice Cream AU
They are here, they are ice creams! Oh no! THEY’VE BEEN ICECREAMIFIED!!!!! Dx
This was really fun to make since I had the idea for a while now since mid June, I hope you like them too as much as I do :3
Fun Facts:
Adam, Kai, Reeve, Vanessa and skeet were different flavors before I decided to change them to be color coded (somewhat color coded)
Adam was originally chocolate ice cream
Kai was originally vanilla ice cream
Reeve was going to be dark chocolate ice cream (yes, it’s a real flavor, I wonder what it tastes like :|c)
Skeet was gonna be mint chocolate chip but I decided sorbet ice cream fits him well
And Vanessa was the original strawberry ice cream before I gave that role to Kai
The reason why I switched Kai to be strawberry ice cream was thanks to this image:
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After that I figured strawberry fit him best cause he would probably eat strawberry ice cream when he gets the chance to buy some
Kai has strawberry seeds as freckles in his face and shoulders (because I like the headcanon that Kai has freckles)
His hair is made of strawberry syrup with the black dots being seeds, like that one strawberry syrup that is pretty transparent that looks very pretty when you put it on ice cream
Adam also has the seeds treatment, just with chocolate chips :v
they are on his hair and shoulders just like Kai’s strawberry seeds, except there are less of them
The hollow logo in adam’s chest is made of chocolate syrup (it was too iconic to remove)
Mira’s hair was going to be blue like her body but it wouldn’t be that noticeable so I made it pink, bubblegum ice cream is usually depicted with blue and pink colors so that’s where I got it from :>
Mira is taller than Kai by one or two inches, because Mira being slightly taller than Kai is funny to me xd
Kai is the smallest out of everyone (lmao he short XD)
The reason why I switched skeet to be sorbet ice cream was because I headcanon he would rather eat sorbet ice cream than regular ice cream
he thinks sorbet ice cream is underrated
sorbet ice cream can be any flavor and this skeet would be passion fruit flavored, his hair is also made of sorbet and is mango flavored
Skeet is the tallest out of everyone (he a tall boi)
Reeve was gonna be dark chocolate flavored but then I changed my mind cause his locs wouldn’t be as noticeable (trust me, I tried)
Reeve’s hair is made out of bacon, the bacon is fried (might as well put a fried egg on top of his head)
He was also gonna have little bacon pieces on his shoulders like Kai and Adam but I thought of that after I finished coloring him (I’ll probably add those later if I draw them again)
I headcanon reeve would be disgusted at the idea of bacon ice cream, but at the same time would be like “but what if it taste good tho? >:/c”
bacon ice cream is a real ice cream flavor, I’m not joking you can search it up
Adam, Kai, and Reeve have orange lips, while skeet, mira, and vanessa have pink lips
Vanessa’s hair and eyebrows are made of licorice
I know her hair doesn’t look like licorice but I got lazy so I’ll give it more detail if I draw her again my apolocheese
If you were to eat any part of their bodies they would simply regenerate to their original state
The vanilla and chocolate ice creams are Tyler and Iris
Nisha doesn’t get to be an ice cream flavor cause 1. There are only 8 ice cream flavors, and 2. I don’t like her that much xd
maybe I will turn her into an ice cream one day, we’ll see how nice I am :V
Sorry for writing a bible verse for you to read I got a little too silly :3c ok I’ll get out of your hair now byeeeeee
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themattress · 1 year
Disney’s The Little Mermaid (2023)
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All right, I’ve seen it, so let’s do this.
- I have some problems with Ariel in this movie, but Halle Bailey ain’t one of ‘em. I mean, good lord. Not only is her singing as beautiful as expected, but her vocal impression of Jodi Benson from the original movie is phenomenal. If you hadn’t seen either movie and just heard audio files of the two back to back, it would be exceedingly difficult to pick out which was which, that’s how spot-on Bailey is with her performance. And even when Ariel is mute, Bailey never fails with her facial expressions, which continue to convey her lovable personality. You totally believe her to be Ariel because she totally believes herself to be Ariel; the sincerity that she exudes is proof of just how committed to doing this iconic character justice she was.
- Luca Paguro himself, Jacob Tremblay, was perfect castling for the voice of Flounder. 
- While I hate everything else about him, I love King Triton’s design and general vibe. He’s less of a traditional king and more of a Poseidon-like god, and that’s a cool take on him.
- The shark attack sequence. I especially liked the new way that Ariel outsmarts the shark. 
- "Part of Your World", both how the scene is staged and, of course, Halle Bailey’s singing. 
- "For the First Time". Again, it’s a Halle Bailey song. You can’t go wrong there.
- Noma Dumezweni as Queen Selina, Eric’s adoptive mother. As pointless as this character was from a story standpoint, I thought that Dumezweni sold it with her performance. 
- Art Malik as Grimsby. I totally bought his fatherly concern and affection for Eric.
- Once they’re finally allowed to start bonding after needlessly putting it off to pad out the runtime some more, Ariel and Eric’s chemistry is on point, especially in the dancing scene.
- Jodi Benson’s cameo as a merchant who gives Ariel a fork. Unexpected and delightful. 
- From the second half of “Poor Unfortunate Souls” and all through the second half of the movie, Melissa McCarthy is suddenly good as Ursula. She’s no Pat Carroll, of course, but she finally has the bombast and intimidation factor down which she was lacking in before.
- Jessica Alexander as Vanessa, who owned those two-or-so minutes she was on screen.
- Before the way it ended I was enjoying the climax. King Triton being straight-up killed rather than turned into a polyp was a genuine shock, and gigantic Ursula was utterly terrifying.
- The opening scene is awful. Rather than that epic shot of Eric’s ship coming out of the fog with the music blaring, we get what looks to be a mermaid (actually a dolphin) swimming underwater as whimsical music plays, only for it to get cut off like a joke as the sailors on Eric’s ship try to harpoon the “mermaid” while yelling hateful superstition. Just a terrible start.
- Rather than Triton’s hatred of humans being pure bigotry on his part, the movie decides to "both sides" the conflict, making humans equally as hateful and fearful of merpeople as merpeople are of them. Worse still, they each have valid reasons for this hate and fear, making the end resolution of it being brushed off as a big misunderstanding ring hollow.
- Jonah Hauer-King as Eric. I’m sorry, I just couldn’t take him seriously in the role.
- Worse still, Eric's whole character is fucked up on multiple fronts. First off, he’s now adopted royalty instead of genuine royalty, which gives off the unfortunate implication that this is the real reason he bonds so well with the common folk and desires a life of adventure. Secondly, his life situation is made the same as Ariel’s instead of different, pushing them as kindred spirits too literally and losing much of what made him desirable to Ariel in the original. And finally, his romance with Ariel starts and ends on a lackluster note, with him being too quick to dismiss having anything to do with her after he learns she’s mute and then too quick to accept being together with her was a fantasy never meant to happen after he learns she’s a mermaid. In trying to give him more depth, the filmmakers just made him more confusing.
- The undersea world lacks appeal. You know it, I know it, everyone knows it and have since the trailers came out. More proof that animation is an art form that has things live-action can never replicate, and that Disney needs to stop making these live-action remakes already.
- Javier Bardem as King Triton. He is absolutely terrible in this, giving one of the most dull and disinterested performances I’ve seen in recent memory. He sells none of his lines.
- Triton's character isn’t any better than his actor’s performance. Beyond his bigotry against humans having more justification to it, he is downright cruel and unrelatable in his treatment of Ariel. When Triton crossed the line into abusive parenting in the original by destroying Ariel’s collection, we immediately see a flicker of realization, horror and remorse on his face once he snaps out of his rage. He’s too proud to admit to anything yet, but it helps sell his “What have I done?” remorse that we see later, and his sacrifice for Ariel’s sake in the climax. But here, he seems to have no such remorse. He’s hardly a father; just a tyrant.
- Flounder looks unappealing and Jacob Tremblay’s voice can’t save that. Sebastian looks even more unappealing, and Daveed Diggs’ obnoxiously high-pitched voice only makes his character worse. Scuttle looks unappealing, and Awkwafina creates such a different character with her performance that I don’t get why they bothered even keeping the “Scuttle” name. Much like with The Lion King remake, it again shows animation’s superiority in this regard.
- Ariel's hair is boring regular red and not vivid real red. That’s a fail on such an absurdly fundamental level, as well as a disservice to Halle Bailey who could have rocked such hair.
- Ariel's character, in the script, is as sanitized as I feared. She’s more of a socially conscious fighter for equality rather than a teenager realistically out primarily for herself and her own ambitions, her sexual lust for Eric is toned down to near non-existence, she’s much less of a rebel since she only goes to the surface for the first time when going to see Eric’s ship, she’s made to have far more hesitation in her deal with Ursula to the point she almost backs out entirely until Ursula cranks up her pressure campaign, and as I will talk more about later gets some needless “girlboss” additions the same way previous Disney heroines in live-action remakes have. Thank God for Halle Bailey, who minimizes the damage as best as she can.
- In the first half of the movie all the way through to the first half of “Poor Unfortunate Souls”, Melissa McCarthy is way too understated as Ursula. She’s doing a campy Bette Midler or Eartha Kitt style of voice, but doesn’t go big enough on her lines and absolutely lacks the skin-crawling, psychotic menace that Pat Carroll so effortlessly provided the character with.
- Restoring the deleted concept of Ursula being Triton’s sister and Ariel’s aunt was pointless. 
- "Under the Sea". Beyond the issues of the underwater world on display not working as well as in animation and Daveed Diggs’ ear poison of a voice and delivery not holding even a candlewick to Samuel E Wright, Ariel joins in on the song by the end! Excuse me? The whole point of the song is to convince her to give up her interest in the human world! Her singing along (without being forced to because it’s part of a stage musical rehearsal that she’s obligated to partake in, as is the case in Kingdom Hearts II) is akin to signing off on that! 
- There’s a plot hole about Eric’s kingdom. Apparently it’s incredibly paranoid and isolationist, and part of why Eric wants to explore other places and make connections with them is so that the kingdom “doesn’t get left behind”. That doesn’t stop its village and marketplace from being a bustling hub of multicultural diversity! Which is it? Is the kingdom isolationist or not?
- Related to the above: Eric’s song, “Wild Uncharted Waters”. Yawn.
- Also, Ariel's sisters are all different ethnicities. I assumed this meant that King Triton slept around, which certainly wouldn’t be out of place for a Greek god like he’s styled after. But no, the sisters still speak of “Mother” as if they all have the same mother! How does that work?
- Flotsam and Jetsam don't talk. Boo! Let them talk!
- There is an absolutely pointless change where Ursula, apparently having no real confidence in herself, cheats in her deal with Ariel by slipping in an amnesia potion so that Ariel forgets she needs to kiss Eric in three days’ time to stay human forever. OK, but why does that prevent her from retaining the memory of Sebastian later straight-up telling her she needs to kiss Eric? And why is she still that heartbroken when Eric gets engaged to Vanessa, given that she no longer thinks it means she won’t get to kiss him and thus won’t remain human? 
- Instead of the newly human Ariel making it to shore and getting dressed in a sail before Max sniffs her out and leads Eric to her, she gets caught in a fisher boat’s net, the fisherman gives her a cloak to wear, and he...brings her to the castle? Why? When you fish out a mute girl adrift at sea, why does your mind jump to the freaking castle and its prince as the go-to solution for getting her help? And like I said before, it actually takes away from Eric and Ariel’s bond, since him finding her and, despite his disappointment that she can’t be the girl who saved him since she’s mute, still taking care of her personally since that’s the decent thing to do was a great showing of Eric being a nice guy whom you could understand Ariel loving.
- Actually, the usage of Max is disappointing in general. Eric saves him on the burning ship so that important plot point is checked off, but him having earlier met Ariel and memorized her scent ends up having no pay-off since he isn’t the one to lead Eric to Ariel. On top of this, he doesn’t get to be the one who causes Vanessa’s shell to break and Ariel to get her voice back later, so that’s another important plot function he’s deprived of. And he’s not even a sheepdog anymore, he’s a bearded collie. What was stopping the filmmakers from using a sheepdog!?
- The stupid little jade mermaid sculpture that Eric calls “my Little Mermaid". OK, so is the movie’s title supposed to be in reference to that now? Why include that as a thing at all?
- "Kiss The Girl", beyond being ruined by Daveed Diggs’ voice, has the pointless lyrical change to make sure Eric has Ariel’s consent before kissing her. As the new lyrics say: “Use your words to ask her”. Except...Eric doesn’t fucking do that! He leans in to kiss Ariel, with her also leaning in to kiss him, at the end just like in the original, without him having asked her beforehand if it’s OK! So a classic, perfectly good love song got altered for nothing!
- "The Scuttlebutt". The only good part about it was Ariel hating it as much as I did! 
- Instead of the animals all divebombing Vanessa at her and Eric’s wedding, with Max dealing the finishing blow that makes her lose the shell containing Ariel’s voice, we have Ariel being a girlboss and....engaging Vanessa in a cat fight over the shell, ending with Ariel grabbing it and breaking it herself. Because a cat fight between women is so much more progressive?
- The climax ends with Ariel and Eric swapping places, and Ariel killing Ursula with the ruined ship. This doesn’t work, since not only does Ariel not know how to steer a ship and she looks kind of ridiculous sliding around the deck on her fish tail, Ursula going after Eric specifically rather than Ariel makes no sense (Ariel just killed Flotsam and Jetsam, Ursula is pissed off at her above all else) and Eric not killing Ursula means Triton has no impetus for learning that he was wrong about humans. Maybe this wouldn’t be a problem if Triton stayed dead in this version (since, y’know, he actually died), but alas he gets resurrected once Ursula is killed and loses the trident. And sure enough, he’s learned nothing, which leads us directly into...
- The Ending. Ariel just accepts living under the sea from now on and becomes severely depressed about it, which somehow makes Triton change his mind and turn her human (she was depressed after he destroyed her grotto and he clearly didn’t give a fuck; what’s the difference now?) Eric had also accepted he and Ariel weren’t meant to be after all, but once she shows up as a human again he instantly reverse on that. Queen Selina sadly remarked that the human world and mer-world just weren’t meant to exist together...but then Ariel is made human again and gets together with Eric, and then she says the exact opposite and endorses the two worlds existing together! Everyone is just changing their mind at the drop of a hat; it’s ridiculous! And rather than ending on a wedding with a beautiful choir version of “Part of Your World” being sung, the movie abruptly ends with Eric and Ariel sailing off in a boat toward a ship that they will use to explore other kingdoms and further connect the two worlds together in the process while the generic instrumental “Part of Your World” plays. There’s just....no real heart to it. Which sums up this movie’s problem: like the vast majority of these live-action remakes, it was not made with the same heart as the animated original. The best that can be said about it is that it’s not the worst of the remakes, and that it provides a great stepping stone for Halle Bailey’s professional acting career. Beyond that, it’s useless.
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herossoups · 4 years
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vanessa; the hollow
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iaf · 4 years
Reeve has chemistry with everyone in the main group and that is a FACT.
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nostalgicartoons · 4 years
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Vanessa icons ☆
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novacomics · 4 years
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Kai (the hollow) icons
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lotsalgbticons · 4 years
hi! could i get a vanessa from the hollow with the lesbian pride flag pls? thanks!! :)
Of course! I hope this is the right character and that you like them!
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(Please credit me if you use these)
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reedamrights · 4 years
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the hollow pride icons based on my headcanons (2/2)
if u want i can make icons with other pride flags/non pastel flags :) happy pride!!
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Does anyone make icons for the Hollow? Specifically the other team (Reeve, Skeet, Vanessa) ?
Please let me know!
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gays0up · 4 years
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i made an icon!!!
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ariel-seagull-wings · 3 years
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@sunlit-music​ @mademoiselle-princesse​ @princesssarisa​ @superkingofpriderock​ @metropolitan-mutant-of-ark​ @amalthea9​ @theancientvaleofsoulmaking​ @astrangechoiceoffavourites​ @giuliettaluce​ 
Alongside the Big Bad Wolf, Cinderella’s Stepmother, The Giant from Jack and The Beanstalk, The Witch from Hansel and Gretel and Bluebeard, The Wicked Queen from Snow White is one of the most iconic fairy tale villains of all time. A lot of people come to consider her the real protagonist of the fairy tale, since is her desire to be considered the Fairest of All and her actions to keep that title what puts the narrative in motion. And today, i will rank my favorite portrayals of this fascinatingly nasty foe.
12º Miranda Richardson as Queen Elspeth in Snow White: The Fairest of Them All (2001)
Talk about being typecast: before that turn as Snow White’s Evil Queen, Richardson had portrayed an Evil Sorceress Queen and Stepmother in Jim Henson’s The Storyteller (’The Three Ravens’ episode) and she was a wicked Sorceress Stepmother in Tim Burton’s Sleep Hollow. So it was neat for her to be called for the role of the most famous Evil Sorceress Queen and Stepmother in this Hallmark TV Movie. Elspeth is the sister of a strange, mysteryous creature known as the Granter of Wishes. Having been recently released from his freezing prison, the Granter of Wishes makes a spell to make her look beautifull for human standards, and marries her to the newly crowned and widowed King John. At first she looks content with the prospect, but as time passes, she grows more and more unsatisfied. Her source of joy is the Magic Mirror that praises her beauty, and casting spells to turn gnomes into garden statues. But when the Magic Mirror says that Snow White’s beauty surpasses hers, the unsatisfaction gets mixed with paranoia, and Elspeth slowly abuses her power in constantly harming other people, until there is no magic enough...
11º Herta Kravina in Schneewitchen (1971)
This german TV Movie is the most faithfull adaptation of the Grimm’s tale original edition, not only keeping the three murder attempts by ribbon/lace/corset, hair comb and apple, but also being the only one to show the Queen dancing to death with hot iron shoes in Snow White’s wedding. This is enough to make it worth a checkout. The other reason i find this version interesting is how the Queen comunicates with the Magic Mirror: they sing to each other. And Kravina has a really good voice (no wonder she was a voice actress for Peggy Lee in the first german/dutch dub of Disney’s Lady and The Tramp). Sometimes that is enough to get a spot in a ranking.
10º Mari Yokoo/Caterina Rochiara/Regina Reagan/Carol Jacobanis as Queen Crystal in The Legend of Snow White (1994)
From the outside, Queen Chrystal appears to be calm, regal, and sophisticated, but in reality, this collected and stately facade hides an extremely sadistic, hateful, cold and sinister person. She is ruthless, jealous and obsessive and wants nothing more than to be the fairest in the land. She also has an extreme vanity that made her utterly intolerant of rivals. Being solely focused on the idea of becoming the fairest of all, Queen Chrystal does not appear to be significantly involved in governing her husband's kingdom, though the skeletal remains of prisoners in her dungeon point to her being a villainous ruler. In the end, her mad vanity and jealousy of her stepdaughter Snow White drove her to murderous insanity. Later is revealed that Queen Chrystal is not unredeamably evil as everyone thins, but an actually kind and gentle person who is possessed by an Evil Spirit. 
09º Diana Rigg as the Queen in Canon Movie Tales: Snow White (1987)
This lady is the personification of paranoia multiplied by the double. Why? Because the Magic Mirror didn’t needed to say that the little child Snow White was the fairest, this queen just feared so much that the princess’s beauty would outgrow hers that she ordered the huntsman to kill her. Basically: run, she is bad news.
08º Jeri Arredondo as Sly Fox in Happily Ever After: Fairy Tales For Every Child (1995)
Sly Fox... What a cunning diva. People try to counsel to not use alone a Magic Mirror that is a portal to the spirit world, but who says she listens? She is just there to hear the singing of her praises, and will try to eliminate anyone who gets on her way. She even goes so far as taking the appearance of the kind hearted nurse Sage Flower to lure her stepdaughter White Snow to eat the poisoned appled. What is not to love about that bastard?
07º Kazue Komiya/Arlene Banas as the Queen in Grimm’s Fairy Tale Classics (1989)
Interestingly this encarnation starts naturally cold, calm and collected, ocasionally at the princess Snow White to see if she can ever grow more beautifull than her, and dismissing the girl with contempt. It is years later that she lets go of acting calm and collected, because after hearing some gossips in the palace, she asks Snow White if she thinks of herself as more beautifull than the Queen, and her stepdaughter reacts by exclaiming that the Queen is vain and cruel, and to her eyes that makes her ugly. So besides the desire of being considered the most beautifull, you get the feeling that this Queen pursues Snow White as a way to shut a person that dares to rebell against her, wich ads new interesting dimentions to their antagonism.
06º Dorothy Cumming as Queen Brangomar in Snow White (1916)
Brangomar was once a lady in waiting of the palace. But one day, she met the powerfull Witch Rex, who offered to give Brangomar anything she wanted. And what Brangomar wanted was to become a beautifull Queen. Wich was achieved by a faustian deal where Witch Rex would cast a spell that killed Imogene, the previous Queen, while in return Brangomar would have to find a way of getting Snow White’s heart for the Witch. Years have passed, and now Brangomar  must kill the princess to pay her debt, or else everything she got will be lost. Hey, here is a way of making a villain tragic, almost simpathetic and complex while keeping clear that she is still a villain!
05º Vanessa Redgrave as the Queen in Faerie Tale Theatre (1984)
The most loud and bombastic portrayal of the Wicked Queen ever put on screen. Bringing to television her sperience from stage, that allows some more over the top emotional reactions, Redgrave had the time of her life in that role, indulging in twirling, preening and screening as much as she could, and his Queen is all the most fun for it.
04º Gudrun Landgrebe as the Queen in Schneewittchen (1992)
What i live about Landgrebe’s Queen is her range: at first she acts all humble, discreet, cold and mysteryous. Then her husband leaves to fight in a Crusade, and she trows the white veil and gray clothing of humility to show a diva red hair and orange dress, as to say “Hey, the King leaved, i have all the power here now and you must do as i say”. Later, a knight comes, offering a magical crystal ball that connected to a mirror says all the truth, and the Queen takes posession of it to ask about her beauty. When Mirror says that the most beautifull woman in the kingdom is Snow White, she gets infuriated, than goes to carefully plan ways to eliminate the princess once and for all. The highlight is when she takes the disguise of a russian male doctor to offer the apple (where she injects poison into with her ring) to Snow White.
03º Maria Antonieta de Las Nieves in El Chapulin Colorado: Blancanieves y los Siete Churín Churín Fun Flais (1978)
This three part episode of the mexican comedy superheroe show is a loving parody of the Disney version, that stands out as an enjoyable retelling of the classic fairy tale in its own right. Interestingly, while most of the comedy in the episode is delivered in the form of over the top slapistick, de Las Nieves’s delivers a straight faced, contained performance. Wich makes her answers to the absurd situations in the story all the more funny.
02º Patricia Medina as the Queen in Snow White And The Three Stooges (1961)
This lady was a hell of a foe: she not only antagonizes Snow White for the title of the Most Beautifull, going so far as to lock the princess in a dungeon for no crime at all, but also, alongside her partner in crime Count Oga, ordered a murder attempt aggainst Prince Charming when he was a child, to prevent him from marrying Snow White, and this way she could become ruller of the kingdoms of Fortunia and Bravuria. Troughout the film, you think that she could win, since she has powerfull magic, spy and a mighty army at her comand, wich makes the viewer get all the more excited on the seat, that is how enjoyable Medina’s Queen is.
And my Number One Portrayal of the Wicked Queen is...
01º Lucille La Verne as the Queen in Disney’s Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs (1937)
The first encarnation of the character that i ever saw in my childhood, and the one that still sends chills/shivers to my spine. As a young Queen, she rarely smiles, acting cold and calculating, intidimidating who is subordinate to her with the expression of her eyes and highbrows. And as a Crone, she lowdly indulges in her cruelty, offering the poisoned apple to her pet raven to scare him, and mocking the dead skeleton of a prisoner inside the castle’s dungeons. That balance between cold calculism and loud cruelty, where both are equally unsetling and scary, is something very hard to achieve, but i think this encarnation did a very good job in achieving that balance, that every other  portrayal that camed tried to draw influence from it ever since. And that’s why Disney’s Wicked Queen is my Number One portrayal.
HONORABLE MENTIONS: Addi Adamets in Schneewittchen (1955), Marianne Christina Schiling in Schneewittchen (1961) and Sonja Kirchberger in Sechs Auf Einen Streich (2009)
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hmmm how about the hollow?💕
vanessa. no question. you know this, i love her. i love her so much. i love vanessa. she is such a complex and well-written character and there's so much we don't know about her that i love to analyze and i am Such a sucker for diana kaarina's voice acting and just. *clenches fist* she (also vanessa the stuffed animal pig is named after her sO LIKE)
the correct answer is probably kai but the reason i would say kai as opposed to the rest of the fandom that definitely tried/s to uwu-ify him much to my Distaste because we have Seen how willing this kid is to fight at the drop of a hat (the first thing he does when he wakes up is put up his fists like...) but i would say him because he is a child of parents that should be divorced <3 but he doesn't have So Shaped vibes hmmmmmm that may be reeve or skeet for me tbh... but cuteness aggression... probably reeve then i love him so much. reeve my absolute beloved i adore you and you and kai are scrunkly brothers <3
scrimblo bimblo
VA NES SA idc she is underrated and i love her so much so freaking much bUT aside from her, i feel like mira is kind of underrated tbh. i love her and she probably is usually the keeper of the braincells (usually) and ashleigh ball is a great va and she cares about her friends so much and i just love her so much.
glup shitto
i don't even care. puzzle guy. love that funky dude. they're just heckling the kiddos and spitting fun rhymes like... bestie i love you. i mean... "foolish one and foolish all / i'll savor watching as you fall" ICONIC and sam vincent does SUCH a great job with his voice acting, 10/10 i wouldn't shut up about them for like three months.
poor little meow meow
dave the fake blind guy and Also tyler. dave the fake blind guy just. wore sunglasses in his funky little cave and when he tripped and fell he literally went "OH I HATE MY LIFE" bestie pLEASE and tyler just. i can't... he is so unintentionally funny... i mean, he goes "the forecast calls for a chance of pain" and when nisha says "ooh good one" he literally stops and goes "oh, you like that?" bESTIE WHAT is that not the definition of a poor little meow meow??? i also feel like gustaf (weirdy) applies here too iuygtfgyu wait so does death ??? i feel like a Lot of characters could go here lol
horse plinko
the cyclops no dude go sit in your little lighthouse and stop looking creepy and terrifying
eeby deeby
easy. voulcan. he killed skeet and was like "give my regards to skeet" bESTIE NO THAT'S IT YOU ARE GOING DOWN YOU DO NOT JUST GET TO SAY THAT YOU CAN CATCH THESE HANDS IN SUPERHELL-
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sunfish999 · 4 years
iconic things abt the hollow s2
spoilers ahead!!!
- adam was gay but there was no love interest!!! he was gay simply to be gay! like normal gays! period!
- mira has 2 dads. the rep in this show damn
- main characters of multiple races and ethnicities? yes!!!!
- MAJOR character development from s1. adam and reeve Learn to be Decent Humans (to each other). vanessa just becomes a fucking ICON. mira was already cool but like. the feminism really jumped out. SKEET🥺. bruh KAI. my cousin was like ‘he didn’t change at all’ um he became a fucken motivational speaker?? bitch? he showed us that everyone deserves second chances!!
- death is Not the answer (saving skeet (before his actual death, that is) and deciding that even if they’re code, it’s worth being alive)
- mira’s “lets talk about the lack of vulnerable male role models in the media”
- when vanessa apologized and said ‘ik that’s not an excuse’ and kai was like “that’s kind of an excuse” 🥺😭
- trying to fight each other’s fears before realizing they had to overcome their own<3
- TEAMWORK. werk it guys gals n gays
- is it bad that i was weirdly attracted to weird guy this season? idk man he just hit DIFF the purple skin i— (yea im done) w/o the MF GLASSES bruh
- mira apologizing for kissing adam w/o consent and adam knowing she didn’t mean to and making a joke out of it by saying he was just ‘irresistable’ yes u r adam u queen.
- ADAM has a bad side. i feel like s1 he was just. an angel the whole time. everyone makes mistakes and everyone has bad traits. u gotta own it n work past it. w friends of course
- BRUH THE MF PLOT I— dude was ANYONE expecting them to be just digitized people? yea that was way unexpected i couldn’t’ve even come up w that on my own
- kai being rich and his butler just being the coolest ever
- the mf OUTFITS in the french guy’s chateau. jesus. adam and reeve in suits? mira’s dress? did vanessa have a suit or a dress on? i think it was a mix? why does everyone do kai dirty i just. he’s babey
- adam overcoming being bullied in middle school🥺
- the three little pigs in fairy tale forest. that was the cutest omg
- rumplestiltskin moment when they all laughed. genuine lil laughs. i just wanted 2 mention...
- the portal art/animation is genuinely the most beautiful thing i’ve ever seen i really just. wow
- adams mom makes me wanna make banana pancakes. also i love adams dog. the clean up trick? boi goddamn. goodest boy ever
- idk if it was just bc of her personality change but like. vanessa is so pretty. i may or may not have simped. i also am a major simp for mira god. she’s so hot. like. ugh
- im tired of making this list bc there’s just too much it was just too iconic but...
- THE FACT THAT THERE WAS NO LIVE ACTION SCENE AT THE END AND THATS ON PERIODT. no whitewashing of adam or ugly ass outfits irl. they only work on screen. now i challenge u all to come up w your own outfits that u would wear in the hollow. that’d b lit pls do it. call it hollowsonas.
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mythcreant · 5 years
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The debate by scholars over who exactly wrote the 39 plays, 154 sonnets and more that are considered the ouvre of one William Shakespeare, has long been waged – with one side calling themselves Stratfordians (in favor of the bard) and the other Oxfordians (in favor of the Earl of Oxford) – and is the basis of this ingenious and beautifully rendered historical drama.
Admittedly, I went into it with suspicion, as I am one of those scholarly relics who was richly inspired by Shakespeare and, thus, never really interested in the debate. I have found so much to admire in the writings that it seemed, well, unseemly to dicker over authorship. I have since changed my mind and this movie had much to do with that.
Writer John Orloff’s dissection of the theory that William Shakespeare, an illiterate actor who never left England, could not have been the author, while Edward de Vere, the 17th Earl of Oxford, a known scholar, world traveler, poet, playwright and patron of the arts, is a much better fit, is meticulously and sumptuously crafted against the backdrop of a turbulent history. Everything about it is a feast for the eyes, from the grand sets and gorgeous costumes, to the portrait perfect depictions of the historical figures in question.
The acting itself is pitch perfect, featuring an outstanding turn by Rhys Ifans as the effete Earl of Oxford. Outstanding not only because he so thoroughly embodies the pain and suffering of the disgraced poet nobleman, but because everything else I had ever seen him in – Notting Hill, Harry Potter And The Deathly Hollows, Heart – gave no indication that he could pull something like this off.
Queen Elizabeth I, is played in her youth by the lovely Joely Richardson, and in her later years by her real mother, Hollywood royalty herself, Vanessa Redgrave, both giving outstanding, lusty performances in what is quickly becoming a familiar trope role. Rafe Spall gives a convincing performance as the buffoonish actor who would usurp Oxford’s secret to become an unintentional icon. Sebastian Armesto is a proper Ben Jonson, the playwright overshadowed by Shakespeare’s unexpected glory.
Whether or not you are a fan of Shakespeare the playwright, or de Vere the poet, if historical costume drama is your thing, you could do far worse than this splendid gem. Court intrigue, familial twists and beautiful actors abound. Released in 2011, only to disappear into the mire of Hollywood reboots and sensationalist cinema, Anonymous is an alternate history well worth revisiting.
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tangelo-jay · 2 years
Current Playlist cuz it's weird as fuck (and also very long)
"Suck My Kiss" by Red Hot Chili Peppers
"Animals" by Villain of the Story
"Move Along" by The All-American Rejects
"11:11 PM" by The All-American Rejects
"I'm Waiting" by The All-American Rejects
"You Get Me so High" by The Neighbourhood
"Heat Waves" by Glass Animals & iann dior
"Ocean Avenue" by Yellowcard
"Harlem" by New Politics
"We Are Young (feat. Janelle Monáe)" by Fun.
"The Chairman's Intent" by Action Bronson
"The Danhausen Show (Danhausen Theme)" by All Elite Wrestling
"Breath" by Breaking Benjamin
"Topless" by Breaking Benjamin
"Dismantled" by Icon for Hire
"Somebody Told Me" by The Killers
"Midnight Show" by The Killers
"Brains! (From the Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy)" by Aurelio Voltaire
"You're Dead" by Norma Tanega
"Spirits In The City" by Now Ex
"Sex & Candy" by Marcy Playground
"The Diary of Jane (Single Version" by Breaking Benjamin
"Teeth" by 5 Seconds of Summer
"Lose You To Love Me" by Now Ex
"Stripped" by Rammstein
"Paint It Black" by Vanessa Carlton
"Hollow Moon (Bad Wolf)" by AWOLNATION
"Dragula" by Rob Zombie
"Voodoo" by Godsmack
"No Vampires Remain in Romania (Dracula Spectacular)" by King Luan
"Disturbia" by Rihanna
"Spellbound" by Siouxsie & The Banshees
"bury a friend" by Billie Eilish
"Howl" by Florence + the Machine
"You Spin Me Round (Like a Record)" by Dead or Alive
"Swing, Swing" by The All-American Rejects
"Wolf Like Me" by TV on the Radio
"Basket Case" by Green Day
"All Over You" by The Spill Canvas
"Tainted Love" by Soft Cell
"Bodies" by Drowning Pool
"Wings of a Butterfly" by HIM
"Chop Suey!" by System Of A Down
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nostalgicartoons · 4 years
can you do vanessa icons from the hollow
posted! ☆
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